
As we are heading closer to a KickStarter campaign for the Tak-Tyx game series, I've been working on the prototypes for the first wave. (there are 12 in the first wave, plus a cool Holiday promotional edition)

Tak-Tyx is a series of mini postcard-size games that vary wildly in theme and complexity. Some are more cooperative, some more competitive.....many are a mixture of both.

Vampire Killaz is an unusual one: where the Party traverses a land of Dark Woods, secret Crypts and Cemeteries, trying to avoid being bitten by bats. Soon enough, one player will become a Vampire. From then on, the Vampires and the Humans struggle for superiority.

Can the Humans drive the Vampires back to the Vampire Castle and kill them with wooden stakes? Can the Vampires avoid deadly garlic and convert the poor Humans into more Vampires? 

I really am happy with this one so far. It has a unusual mix of cooperative and competitive play, splitting the Party into 2 teams as the game progresses.

More about TAK-TYX


  1. Interesting concept. Like the idea of becoming a vampire while playing as a human. Makes the game more dynamic while staying true to the myth.
