The Mr. Buckethead Adventure Game Series is an interactive comic book game where the fabulous pail-faced superhero battles monsters, solv...
What's On My Dining Room Table NOV 12 2012
Godzilla and MechaGodzilla (Kiryu) vs Weapons and Warriors This week we have two giant monsters (kaiju) facing a seemingly disorganized...
Playtest Report: Dungeon Freakout at Metatopia 2012
I ran some very good sessions of Dungeon Freakout at this year's Metatopia 2012 Game Design Festival. (Here is one of many good rec...
Twinjitsu: Countdown to Terror! New Movie Plotz video
We've posted a new video from a recent Movie Plotz game session. (from Metatopia 2012 the game design festival) This time, the plot...
Team Building in San Diego, San Fransisco and Los Angeles
I'm very excited to be working on new team building exercises for cities in California. In San Diego , San Francisco and Los Angele...
Fiesta Challenge: Guacamole and Sangria Making: Mexican Crafts: Great Team Building Exercise!
I've put together a short video from some recent sessions of our fun-filled Fiesta Challenge event. See Fiesta Challenge Video N...
UFO Smash: Design Report
I've revisited the 2-4 player aspects of UFO Smash and decided on the 4 alien races to make the cut. I am thinking that there will b...
The Giving Tree: Slideshow Video of Philanthropic Team Building Exercise
Just uploaded a video about a very cool philanthropic team building game called The Giving Tree, where teams create inspirational candy-la...
Movie Plotz at Metatopia 2012: Alex Strang runs new brainstorming event for Cybergecko Games
I was very happy to run some fun sessions of Movie Plotz at this year's Metatopia (the Game Design Festival) (thanks to Jason Tagmi...