

On the planet JINGKULL, an advanced civilization began to overwhelm the planet's natural resources. The JINGKULL became more and more adept at manipulating, then suppressing, the forces of nature. They learned how to control genetics, biospheres, climate forces and every other part of nature. This culminated in a planet-wide movement to destroy the JINGKULL moon, so that the lunar influence of the moon could be eliminated.

A faction arose to protest this madness. The CRISIS CLAN distinguished themselves by tying their normally wild hair into a series of topknots. They argued for the rights of nature, and the respect of nature. Their voices were lost as the mad experiment continued until the moon was destroyed.

The planet JINGKULL went crazy and nature fought back, wiping out every part of the civilization. The CRISIS CLAN escaped into interstellar space, vowing to always respect nature and collaborate with it, never to oppress it.

When they discovered FTL, they discovered Starcade. While they were furious at the arrogance of The Starcade Project and what had been done to Edemos, they decided to help rather than fight. They convinced The Project to work with the remaining planet and its natives, rather than to suppress them. The CRISIS CLAN designed the ASSOCIATE POSITIONS program, so that native creatures could be integrated into Starcade, for example.

The CRISIS CLAN members are very proud, strong warriors and are genuinely interested in the Old Edemos and its inhabitants. They usually carry elegant custom-made weapons, with swiveling parts (like a Swiss Army Knife)

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